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Limpia cualquier superficie sin usar una gota de agua
Limpio sin agua es un poderoso limpiador para equipo electrónico y equipo biomédico
Producto 100% Biodegradable e Hipoalergénico

Limpio sin agua
Limpio sin agua

Aplica Limpio sin agua
con un atomizador

Utiliza una microfibra
limpia y seca

  • What ingredients does Limpio have without water?
    -It is a product based on plants and vegetables, it is composed of essential oils and natural extracts in its entirety. Its manufacture is based on an exclusive biotechnological process that implica la hidrosolubilización de los aceites esenciales en agua. -Polydimethylsiloxane.< /p>
  • How to clean electronic equipment?
    Spray a small amount on a clean and dry microfiber cloth and clean the screen, your cell phone, tablet, keyboard, mouse.
  • How to clean furniture and shake?
    Spray a small amount of Limpio sin agua on the surface and wipe or blot with a clean, dry microfiber.
  • How to clean your hands?
    Spray Limpio without water on your hands and remove the dirt with a clean, dry cloth or napkin. Your hands are left clean and disinfected.
  • How to clean crystals?
    Spray a small amount of Limpio sin agua on a clean, dry microfiber, clean the windows with it.
  • How can I make Limpo sin agua sanitize my hands?
    Simply add 30% of Clean without water to a liter of denatured ethyl alcohol that is sold in any pharmacy or self-service store. Fill atomizers for personal use and use it always, your hands will be disinfected every time you apply it, as well as leaving them clean, soft and smooth.

Technical data sheet

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